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2455 Long Lake Road
New Brighton, MN 55112
We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ
Worship With Us
Sundays - 10 AM
In Person Or Online
Ham Radio Ministry:
Ham radio (aka Amateur Radio) is a fun, clean hobby. There are many different avenues to pursue within the hobby. One of which is using two-way radios to talk with local hams and those around the U.S.A. and the world. Anyone from young to old can get involved.
Two members of Hope Community Church have organized a ham radio club that meets at Hope to introduce folks to the hobby. You don't have to be member or attender of Hope church to be involved. We have an antenna up and equipment is up and working
Plans include: Introduction classes, licensing classes, and of course the opportunity to operate the radio stations.
For more information, contact one of the two founders:
Rod (Call sign: K9ATT)
Mark (Call sign: KB WOM)
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